
The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul. ~ Alfred Austin

Wednesday, 14 August 2013


Feeling very ho-hum today. Some big decisions that need to be made, are weighing heavily on my mind. Some I thought had been made, but it appears not. Arrived home from work around lunch-time and feeling pretty deflated, a walk around the garden seemed like a good idea. As it turned out, it wasn't the best idea. I knew there was a broccoli ready to be picked, which I thought we could have for tea tonight. So armed with a knife and the camera I went out to pick said broccoli.

Only to find the broccoli and cabbages are covered in yucky grey aphids. The blurry photo above only shows a small patch of the infestation. Horrible stuff. I have had problems with it in the past, but not this bad. Last winter was really good, it was the best winter vegie garden I have had yet. There was no grey aphids.
So why so bad this year? I have no idea. Needless to say I didn't pick the broccoli.

The poor beetroot are being smothered too, but in a different way. They have millions of carrots trying to overtake them. One time I couldn't get carrots to germinate, hmmm don't have that problem anymore. That is only a small section of them, where the cauliflowers are, there is gazillions of carrots in that spot. Speaking of cauliflowers, there are leaves, there are giant leaves. But no cauliflowers. Something is going on there too.

On a much happier note. The snow peas are finally starting to flower! Yay!! At least I will have one vegetable from the garden to eat. That's not true, there are two. The kale has been doing okay. Not great like it usually does, but okay. Okay enough that we can at least get enough for some meals from it.

Even the chooks didn't want to talk to me. Once they realised I had nothing in my hands for them, they all walked off. Never mind girls. You will have broccoli to eat, plenty of broccoli. And while you are at it you can eat the aphids too.

Today was supposed to be lots of blue sky and sunshine. Cold but sunny. It was this morning when I was at work. Now we have a grey overcast sky. Figures. Oh well, maybe tomorrow. Now to figure out what to cook for tea tonight before I go next door for my weekly coffee and chat with my sprightly 93 year old neighbour. All I know is tea tonight won't include broccoli!!

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Ten On Ten :: August 2013

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month.
{Document a snapshot of your life and find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

Joining in with Rebekah for my first ten on ten.

My first coffee of the day and some vegemite on toast for breakfast.

We have had some beautiful much needed gentle soaking rain over the last
four or five days. With some heavier rain expected over the weekend, I
decided to pick a couple of the daffodils to put in a vase
on my dresser, as I didn't want to see them all ruined by the rain.
Couldn't bring myself to pick too many, as they look so
cheery when I look out the back door and see the pots of
daffs out there.

Seriously Mum, more photos.
I walked into the bedroom to find Billy curled up asleep.
He wasn't very impressed being woken up and he
doubly wasn't impressed having his photo taken - again!

Daniel had been cleaning the paddock up, we had a few tree limbs that had
come down in some recent wind. Not really sure what he was doing
here. He said this branch was the next one to come down the next
time we got some wind, so I think he was being pro-active and
trying to bring it down first, rather than it fall on our fence.
(which needs replacing anyway).

You can't do anything outside in the yard without Jess
coming to inspect what you are up to.
She always has to be in the thick of the action.
She definitely likes to know what is going on
at all times!

It has been a bit on the cold side today.
This was the highest it reached all day.
Glad to come home to a warm fire.

Megan had a netball game this afternoon.
She was tired by the end of it, as first up
she had to umpire a game, and then she
played all four quarters.
The girls lost, but it was probably one of their
better games. They are getting better and
better each week.

Everywhere you look around here, it is just a sea of yellow.
I can't believe how many paddocks are
planted out with canola.

With a break in the rain, I went for a wander in the garden.
Good to see the bees were busy in the fruit trees.
An apple in this case.

With the rain we have been having I thought it was a good opportunity
for Megan to get in some driving on some of the local gravel roads.
I have taken her out on them in the dry, but felt it was important
for her to get a handle on how the rain changes the conditions of
a gravel road, and how easy it is to lose control.
She did really well out there, I have been really impressed with the
way she listens and always asks lots of questions.
Still it's nerve wracking having a child old enough to drive.
Now someone just needs to wash the car!!

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Signs of Spring

We are in the last month of winter and already there are plenty of signs that spring is on the way.

It is so good to finally have some daffodils in my garden again. Years ago when I very first started gardening, I think daffodils were one of the first things I planted. I bought these bulbs when we were in Albany at Easter time, and they seemed to take forever to poke through the soil. I have eagerly been watching them unfurl all week. Makes me happy to see the bright and cheery daffodil once again flowering in my garden.


The peach and nectarine trees are full of blossom.
Can't wait until we are picking the fruit from
these trees in early summer.

Stocks are another old favourite that I used to grow in the garden years ago.
Once again I have eagerly been watching the buds waiting for them to open.
Only to be a bit disappointed that they were singles and not the
perfumed doubles.
Oh well, they are still another lovely flower to have in the garden.
It is a gorgeous day outside, had better go make the most of it.