10 pictures on the 10th day of the month.
{Document a snapshot of your life and find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
Joining in with
Rebekah for this months Ten on Ten.
First thing this morning was to get 3 loads of washing out on the line
as a series of storms are supposed to be moving in.
At least the strong breeze got it dry in no time.
Taking a wander around the garden, I noticed my first cornflower
had opened. Can't wait to see the rest of them open up.
Late morning I started working on a small project.
My kitchen is blah and boring, so I am trying
to do a few small things to brighten it up a bit.
I made a start on brightening up the pin-up board on the side
of the pantry, with this happy looking polka dot contact.
Unfortunately I ran out of time to finish it off.
Hopefully I will be able to get back
to it at the end of the week.
Less fun to do today was finish off a job application
and do my tax return.
Thankfully that job is now out of the way.
After tackling my tax it was time to have a cuppa.
A herbal tea in this case, trying to cut down
on the amount of coffee I'm drinking.
Once again I pulled this fabric out ready to start cutting it up,
but once again couldn't bring myself to start as I am
afraid of making big mistakes with my cutting and
ruining the chance of being able to do anything
with it.
Today's egg count.
My beautiful boy BJ.
He was in his usual spot in the kitchen
waiting ever so patiently for his dinner to
appear in his bowl.
This was the sky about 5pm.
Apparently some heavy rain and gale force
winds are on the way!
I certainly wouldn't make a food photographer!
It mightn't look much, but this creamy mushroom pasta
and salad was yum. And the best thing is there is enough to
have for dinner again tomorrow night. Tomorrow is going to be a
loooong day at work. I will be on the road all day, I have hundreds
of kilometres to drive. I should hopefully finish about 7pm.
Should be fun with all the rain and wind coming in!
At least dinner will be easy to rustle up.
I had fun participating in my second ten on ten and finding the beauty in the everyday. Looking forward to next months ten on ten.