
The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul. ~ Alfred Austin

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Ten On Ten::December 2013

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month.
{Document a snapshot of your life and find beauty among the ordinary things in your day}

Joining in with Rebekah at a bit of sunshine
for this month's ten on ten.

First job of the morning was to let the chooks out for the day.

After letting the chooks out I went for a wander around the veg garden
and growing in the gravel path is a zucchini plant!

It even has a tiny zucchini growing on the plant!!
Not sure how long it will keep growing in the gravel
before it gets baked in the hot summer sun, but we might
be lucky enough to get at least one zucchini from the plant.

Dad took a drive over to our neighbouring town to get some pea straw for their garden
and was kind enough to bring a few bales back for me too. Thanks Dad :)

Stripes at the front door saying please can I come in.
I am fading away to a shadow can't you see.
I need to come in for some more food! Haha

Walking out to collect the mail, I noticed the
Rose of Sharon is flowering.

Spent a bit of time finishing off editing photos of a friend's garden.
The house is being sold and she wanted a record to keep
of her garden which was a kaleidoscope of colour.

Sun ripened apricots off our tree.
Doesn't get any better than that :)

Today's picking from the tree.

How is it, that Christmas is only two weeks away!
I am completely disorganised this year.
So I had better get my act into gear and start getting organised!!

Not sure what happened yesterday, I took the photos all throughout the day and then last night completely forgot to upload them. I suddenly remembered this morning, so joining in a day late, but happy to have joined in .