At least the bees are happy out in the garden, they don't seem to mind whether the flowers they visit are from an actual plant or from the many million trillion weeds that are growing so prolifically. Wish the garden would grow with such abundance :)
The first rose of the season
The crustless broccoli, feta and sundried tomato quiche I made, tasted really good will have to make another one. Still have so many eggs. Might have to make a pavlova too!
Enough sitting down I guess, time to go back outside and pull some more weeds out. Also have a couple of small plants and some seedlings to get in the ground. Found a nice healthy tomato plant that had self-seeded in the gravel path in the vege garden so will go and transplant it into one of the garden beds. Really should be doing some work inside, but I think that can wait a bit longer, the garden wins.