
The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul. ~ Alfred Austin

Monday 22 August 2016

The garden late winter

Late winter already, where has the time gone? I kept thinking I need to take some photos and put on the blog but they just never seemed to happen. For about the last month I have been trying every day to get things back on track. Life seemed to fall apart and nothing was getting done except  for the absolute basics. I've steadily been back out in the garden, but making sure I only do so much then come inside and do a bit and then go back outside for some more gardening. If I stay outside too long I end up in a lot of pain with my shoulders. I figured even small amounts daily is a lot better than no gardening at all which is what had been happening.

That also goes for inside the house I have been breaking things down into smaller jobs and at last I can see a bit of progress. I have this weeks' meals planned in advance which is something that hasn't happened for an extremely long time. I have also been de-cluttering and clearing things out and it feels good to be getting rid of some stuff.

Apricot blossom

The bees are loving the flowers on the almond tree

Lots of promise on the apricot tree

English spinach

Some of the greens in the veggie patch


Red lettuce

The flowers on the white hardenbergia are starting to fade but have brightened the back fence all winter

The purple hardenbergia is still going strong

Tulips which I haven't grown for a few years now, nice to have some again

Plum blossom, really looking forward to fresh plums straight off the tree

Both blueberry bushes are loaded with flowers, can't wait for fresh blueberries either!

Long anticipated flower bud on the kangaroo paw. Have lost count how many seedlings I have planted in the ground and none of them survived. The last lot I planted into a large pot and bingo I have a couple of buds now!!

What we are eating from the garden at the moment: 
  • Lettuce
  • English spinach
  • Kale
  • Snow Peas
  • Parsley
  • Mandarins
  • Washington Navel oranges
Not much at all but considering how neglected the garden has been its still nice to be able to pick something. I'm hoping we will have some broccoli to harvest in the not too distant future, but I think the cabbages and cauliflowers were planted way too late.

It's nice to be back but I can see my photo taking and blog writing need some improvement, I had better not leave it so long in-between posts again :)


  1. It's is good to see you back, I've missed your posts.

    1. Thank you Jan it's nice to be back, I've missed blogging.


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