
The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul. ~ Alfred Austin

Monday, 26 May 2014

Winter Warmer's

The official start of winter is still six days away, but this past weekend was a real taste of what is to come.
We had about 40mm of rain fall, beautiful soaking rain. The big rainwater tank is now just over half full which is good news. The weeds are sprouting like crazy. In between rain showers I rugged up and went outside and started pulling weeds and then retreated back inside when once again the rain fell.

We had candles lit and the fire going all weekend. The ceramic pot on the wood stove has water and a few drops of eucalyptus oil in it to help ward off germs or at least help them to stop spreading as both teens are full of head colds at the moment. I got the idea originally from Julie at Country Living by the Sea.

I made a pot of pumpkin soup from a homegrown pumpkin. It was a little on the spicy side but still really delicious. It was certainly very warming and filling anyway.

The sun made an appearance a couple of times and I just loved the way it highlighted the last of the grape vine leaves and the gum trees against the very dark stormy sky. They had forecast very strong damaging winds, but thankfully we didn't get those. It did get quite blustery for awhile Saturday afternoon and blow a few things around, but nowhere near as bad as what had been predicted.

This morning is a grey overcast day but I think the rain has gone for the time being. It is definitely on the chilly side out there though. Hope everyone's week gets off to a good start and is able to keep warm or cool as the case may be!


  1. I hope the water and eucalyptus oil helps. Gorgeous photos. I hope we get some more rain soon. Thanks for the link. xxoo

    1. Hi Julie, thanks and yes I think the eucalyptus is doing the trick as I have no sign at all of a cold! It's a nice clean fragrance to have in the house too as it can tend to get a bit stuffy with the fire going all the time.We are supposed to be having some more rain this afternoon, fingers crossed you will also get some more soon :)


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